I studied the ethics of relationships between horses and humans for my Masters degree at the University of Sydney; my research is published in two highly regarded animal studies journals. One paper found that horse-human relationships built on effective communication and partnership were likely to be the most ethical, and therefore best for equine welfare. The other paper examined the myth of innate feminine connectedness with horses, and how believing the myth could cause conflict and injury if women don’t learn to communicate effectively with their animals.
I conducted research on the lives of Bangkok’s street - or soi - dogs as part of my PhD. Based on observational research conducted in the field, my study explored how an animal rescue organisation and local communities worked together to improve soi dog welfare. The research was published in a paper entitled “Living with soi dogs: Alternative animal practices in Bangkok, Thailand”, and as a book chapter, “Speaking for dogs: The role of dog biographies in improving canine welfare in Bangkok, Thailand”.
I have published my research on the ethical travel and consumption blog Epicure and Culture, including on environmentally sensitive tourist destinations, a jewellery-making organisation run by displaced women in Turkey, volunteering with street animals in India and saving endangered sea turtles in Mexico.